First United Airlines change the pet policies and banned to take an emotional support peacock onboarding. But now American Airlines is going through with same policies and telling that some of their service or emotional support animals like goats, hedgehogs, and tusked creatures can’t fly anymore.
So, ferrets, goats, and hedgehogs can no longer fly on American Airlines, even if they support animals from 1st July. The airline has put out these animals in response to an increase the customers transporting service or support animal onboard.
AA said in a statement, “We support the rights of customers, from veterans to people with disabilities, with legitimate needs for a trained service or support animal. Unfortunately, untrained animals can lead to safety issues for our team, our customers, and working dogs onboard our aircraft.”
Emotional support animals provide comfort to those suffering from emotional or psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression and panic attacks. They are typically allowed to fly on planes for free if they meet certain requirements. American Airlines (AAL) said that between 2016 and 2017, the number of customers transporting service or support animals aboard their planes rose by more than 40%.
Some of the changes include additional restrictions on animal types, including sugar gliders and snakes. American Airlines will now enforce the existing 48-hour advanced notice and pre-clearance policy for emotional support animals but will have procedures for emergency travel booked within 48 hours of departure.
For people traveling with service animals on flights longer than 8 hours, documentation is required.
To travel with an emotional support and psychiatric service animal in the cabin, customers must contact the Special Assistance Desk with all required documentation at least 48 hours before their flight. Documentation validation includes AA contacting their mental health professional.
The following is the AA’s new emotional support animal policy.
Animal Behavior:
Emotional support and service animals must be trained to behave properly in public; they must be tethered by leash or under your control at all times. Animals will not be allowed in the cabin if they show any type of disruptive behavior that is not successful under controlled like:
If this behavior is observed at any point during the journey, then the animal will be considered a pet and applicable fees will apply as under all pet requirements.
Some animals cannot be permitted as service or emotional support animals due to safety and/or public health risk.
In addition to the current requirements, for tickets issued on or after July 1, 2018, American will require customers traveling with support animals to complete the following paperwork:
On top of that, American is banning the following types of animals as service animals:
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