As the first rollout of vaccines throughout the country, the Indian Government is serious to protect the citizens and prevent the mutant variant of SARS-CoV-2 to spread. Hence different measures are taken at entry points for people traveling abroad through the multi-pronged strategy of thermal screening and testing.
As per evidence, the mutant variant of SARS-CoV-2 is suggested to be in circulation in the UK Variant, South Africa variant and Brazil variant have been detected. This mutant has demonstrated stronger transmissibility compared to COVID-19 as per the World Health Organisation. Hence if you are looking for direct flights to India or connecting flights make sure to read the latest guidelines before booking flight tickets.
To minimize the risk of computation of SARS-CoV-2 the government of India is now keeping a proper check on point of entry from outside.
You will be all the list of actions in the document below. The Document is divided into two parts –
- A) Standard Operating Procedures from travelers from abroad
- B) Extra procedures from travelers coming form UK, Europe, and Middle East
These procedures are active from 22nd February till further orders –
- A) Standard Operating Procedures from travelers from abroad (expect from United Kingdom, Europe, and the Middle East)
Plan your Travel
Are you planning for booking flights from the USA to India? Here is the list of procedures –
- You are required to submit a self-declaration form on before leaving.
- You need to upload the negative COVID-19 RT-PCR report at the above-mentioned site, make sure to also produce a declaration of the authenticity of the report.
- The above documents are to be submitted to the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Govt. of India.
- You need to abide by the decision of the government authority to follow the home/self-quarantine for 14 days.
- Arriving in India if you have a negative COVID will be allowed if you are visiting for the exigency of death in the family. (you need to apply 72 hours prior for this exemption at
Things to know before Boarding
- All information on the things to do/don’t will be provided on the ticket.
- Only the registered members who have submitted their negative reports will be allowed to board at the airport.
- It is compulsory to download the Aarogya Setu app on mobile.
- You will need to maintain a six-foot distance as per the latest guidelines.
Things to know During Travel
- You need to wear a mask and maintain environmental hygiene.
Things to know on arrival
- The thermal screening will be carried on arrival at the airport and the self-declaration form will be checked.
- People showing symptomatic symptoms shall be isolated as per protocol.
- Those who have uploaded RT-PCR negative certificates will be allowed to leave the airport and take a transit flight.
International Travellers who are arriving by Sea/Land ports have to follow the same procedure above but submit their reports to concerned authorities of Government of India at seaports/land ports on arrival.
- For Travellers arriving/transiting through flights from UK, Europe, and the Middle East
All the above-mentioned procedures above shall apply to those coming from the UK, Europe, and the Middle East.
Procedures for them are different only for –
- Testing
- Quarantine
- Isolation
You need to submit a self-declaration form for COVID on with the travel history for the past 14 days.
- On the portal, you need to also submit your next destination after arriving in India and the mode of your travel.
- You need to display the receipt to the concerned authorities at the airport for further segregation.
- You need to keep a gap of a minimum of 6-8 hours if you are planning a trip to the next destination if you are traveling from Europe, UK, and the Middle East. You also need to carry a TR-PCT negative report(done within 72 hours.)
- Airlines should also follow the latest guidelines released by the government.

If you are Travelling from the UK, Brazil and South Africa taking a connecting flight please check the below procedures –
- You need to give your sample at the airport and only after the negative report will you be allowed to transit (the report takes up to 6 hours).
- You will need to quarantine at home 7 days after taking the connecting flight when you get a negative report. You are recommended to get tested after 7 days of quarantine.
If you are traveling from Brazil, South Africa, and the United Kingdom and are tested positive at the airport or during home quarantine you will be isolated in a government authorized facility coordinated by the respective State health authority.
- If you are tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 then you will have to stay at the facility for 14 days. You will be kept at the center till your report is not negative.
- All the results of the report shall be displayed online by the government authorities.
If you are an International Travelers on short stay –
- You can be asked to provide additional requirements with regards to testing, quarantine, and isolation as per need.
- If you are moving to another State on your trip you are advised to refer to the State-specific official website for the latest guidelines.