This is what you have to do as a passenger if your plane is crashing!

August 13, 2017

Listening to unfortunate news about an airplane crash always causes you wrench and heartache. The death barrier on a commercial airline flight is actually as low as 9 million to 1 and a lot of crashes occur in the 33,000 feet above the ground. But a research said that almost 95% of airplane crashes have survivors.

The idea of flying in a plane can bother you and break into a cold sweat. Most fears boil down to a lack of understanding, and in those situations knowledge really is power.

But what if unfortunately, you find yourself on a crashing plane, and then what can you do to stay calm and survive the crash. So, this is what you have to do as a passenger if your plane is crashing!

Before your Flight

Dress comfortably

If you avoid the accident then you have to be able to stay warm even if it is not considered. Cover your body during the greater impact because it reduces the chances of serious injury.

  • Wear long pants, a long sleeve t-shirt, and strong, comfortable, lace-up shoes.
  • Loose or elaborate clothing may cause a risk. So, if you know you are going to fly over cold areas, then dress appropriately, and consider keeping a jacket on your lap.
  • Cotton or wool fabric is also better because it is less flammable. Wool is better when you flying over water because wool does not lose its insulating properties when wet.
  • Avoid polyester, nylon, and acrylic as these materials melt at low temperatures and will stick to and burn your skin.

Wear sensible shoes.

You may want to feel comfortable or look like a professional on a flight. But sandals or high heels make it hard to move quickly in any emergency.

  • Wear sturdy, comfortable, lace-up shoes with good soles and traction.
  • Do not try to wear sandals, high heels, or slip-on shoes. Because your escape plan depends on how quickly you get out to the plane in case of any crash landing.

Choose your seat carefully

During the crash, passengers those are sitting in the back of the aircraft have 40% higher survival rates than those in the first few rows. So, it is best to get seats as close to an exit, on the aisle, and in the back of the plane.

Read the safety card and listen to the pre-flight safety speech. 

Another thing you can do to overcome the fear is to read the safety card as well as listen to the flight attendants when they give their pre-flight safety tips. But if you keep your headphones on during the flight instructions or ignore them, you will definitely miss the general information about the safety.

  • Do not assume that you know it. Every airline has different safety instructions.
  • If you are sitting in the exit row, make sure you know how to open it. In normal circumstances, the flight attendants help you. But if they are injured, you have to do it own.
  • Re-reading the safety card. This will remind you where the nearest exits are and what to do during a crash landing.

What if your seat is not at the back of the plane?

  • Find the exit closest to you. And count the number of seats between your seat and the exit row. If the plane crashes, it could be smoky, or noisy, in the cabin.
  • Choose your seat at the back of the plane because this helps you to escape and easily find your way to the exit.

Keep your seat belt on at all times. Keep your seat belt properly tightened at all times when you are on the plane.

  • If you are sleeping, leave your seat belt on.

Brace yourself

Assess the situation.

  • Try to determine what kind of surface the plane is going to land so you can optimize your preparations.
  • If you are going to land in water put your life vest on, although you need to wait until you are out of the plane.
  • If you are going to land in cold weather, try to get a blanket or jacket that keeps you warm.
  • Plot out the general course that you need ahead of time, so you have an idea of where you are and what can you do if the plane crashes.
  • Before the crash find your exit point. If the plane is going to crash, you always have a general idea about your exit door and prepare yourself for impact.

Prepare your space as much as possible. 

If you know your plane is going to crash, return your seat back to its upright position. But stay away from the loose items that may cause of injuries. Zip up your jacket and make sure your shoes are tied tightly to your feet.

  • Tie your shoes tightly. Pad your head with a pillow, blanket, or other soft objects.
  • Place your legs under the seat as possible to avoid breaking your bones.

Brace yourself against the seat in front of you. 

Both practical and empirical evidence show, the brace position and crash situation not only increase the possibility of surviving in an air crash but also reduce the chances of injuries.

When you do it properly, the brace position reduces the chances of injury that can hurt the head, neck, and feet. It also helps to prevent whiplash, protects you from flying around the cabin, and saves you from the flying objects.

  • Put your feet flat on the floor.
  • If you can reach the seat in front of you, place one hand palm down on the back or top of the seat. Cross the other hand palm down over the first hand. Rest your forehead against your hands. Do not lace your fingers.
  • You can put your head on the seat in front of you. Lace your fingers behind your head.
  • Bend forward on your thighs. You can also put your head between on your knees.
  • Stay in the brace position until the plane comes to a complete stop.

Try to stay calm. 

  • Follow the immediate predecessor and later in corruption, and you are more likely to come out alive.
  • Remember that even in the worst cases, you have a chance to exist. You should be able to think systematically and rationally to maximize that opportunity.

Put your oxygen mask on before assisting others. 

You have probably heard it on every commercial flight. If the cabin becomes depressurized, you have only 15-20 seconds to put on your oxygen mask before you become unconscious.

  • Put the oxygen mask on immediately, before assisting other passengers.
  • Help your children or an elderly passenger sit next to you. You are no good to anyone if you are unconscious during an emergency.

Survive during crash

Pay attention when flight attendants giving instruction.

Flight crews are trained to know how to respond if you get trapped in any crash. Listen to them carefully and follow the instructions.

Protect yourself from the smoke. 

Fire and fumes are responsible for the largest percentage of casualties in a fire. And be prepared to stay low during the evacuating or when you are on the plane.

  • The smoke is a very thick and highly toxic, so avoid it and cover the nose and mouth with a cloth. If possible, wet the cloth to provide additional protection.

Get out of the plane as quickly as possible. 

Follow the instructions of the cabin crew. If fire or smoke is present, you have only less than two minutes to safely exit the plane. Get out of the cabin as fast as you can and as far from the plane as possible.

If the nearest exit places just behind you and easy to access, move to the rearward exit rather than move forward.

Leave your luggage.  

  • Do not waste your valuable time looking for belongings. It will slow you down if you are going to do so.
  • If necessary, return to the plane later for anything that is important for you.

Do not climb on the seats unless you do not find another way to out.

Studies have shown that after the plane crash, most seat Mountaineers do this because other routes are blocked and they are just roaming around the blockage.

Passengers on the last two rows can attempt to climb on their seats if the aisle is congested to get out of the exit. But, the result is that exit queue becomes more intense and takes much time to exit.

Proceed to the nearest safe exit.  

Proceed to the exit for safety – Look through the window to see if any threats, fire or hazards exist or not. If so, exit in the opposite direction of the aircraft or next closest exit.

Move away from the plane.  

You do not have to stand too close to the plane. Because fire or explosion can happen at any time after a crash and may cause the higher risk. So stay away from the plane.

Assess the situation. 

  • Do you have any wounds that need to be cared for? If you are bleeding, attend your wounds by following the basic first-aid procedure.
  • If possible, apply basic first-aid on your wounds. Check yourself for cuts and other efficiencies and pressurize if necessary.
  • Respond quickly and appropriately if there is any negative terrible situation occurs.

Stay in the area. 

  • Stay in one place to reduce the chances of increasing internal injuries. Rescuers will arrive as soon as possible.
  • It is essential to stay calm after a crash. Help out people who are struggling and tend to people’s wounds using basic first aid available.

Wait for rescuers. 

Stay in one place so rescuers can find you easily. Do not wander off and look for help, or try to find something close by. So, wait for them until they arrive.

So, this is what you need to do as a passenger if your plane is crashing. Follow the instruction and make your fly high by stay fearless and safer.