Independence Day Deal : Save upto $50 On USA To INDIA Flights

September 20, 2017

FlyDealFare offers you on 71st Independence Day for your every fly from USA with “Freedom to save $50”. As we all know the importance of this special day. Visitors if you planning for this celebration and don’t want escape the golden opportunity to celebrate it with us, than book your USA flights to India and save up to $50.

Day History:

On this day India achieved her Independence from the British Rule and became a sovereign nation. A day is celebrated and consider as annually, a national holiday. This year it would be a 71st birthday for India. It is quite celebrated as Indian festival and also has equal importance for every Indian individual like other fests they have. Celebrations are on, and let begin it with. Many cultural programs are organized and children’s participate and watch in it.

Celebration’s Enlists:

Children’s celebrate it with full energy like this day because of the getting sweets and a holiday after flag hoisting in their schools. The National Flag is also hoisted by Prime Minister on ramparts of the Red Fort, Delhi after which a speech is followed. Families and friends have a meet and dinner together and do visit at Red Fort for the celebrations. These days’ youngsters these days express their love towards their country by celebrating it in offices, colleges and having tattoos on their faces or arms, and also give performances accordingly.