Is It Safe To Travel To India From Canada After Coronavirus Breakout?

March 6, 2020

Since the travel demand is lowered after the announcement to avoid non-essential travel to China and Iran from the Government of Canada.

As a result, there is a very low risk of getting COVID-19 (coronavirus) for Canadian travelers. This is because there is no direct flight to Canada from Wuhan and from here the indirect travelers are very low. 

Also, the flyers have to face very strict travel restrictions imposed by authorities to lower the chances of spreading COVID-19.

Before flying, travelers must know how does coronavirus spread?

Human coronaviruses can cause infections of the nose, throat, and lungs as common cold does. Further, it can be easily transferred from an infected person to another person.

It can be transmitted through:

  • Respiratory droplets when someone cough or sneeze
  • Touching infected person like Shaking hands
  • Touching affected surface

Symptoms of coronavirus: Since it takes around 2 to 14 days to show the symptoms after exposure. If you find these symptoms appearing then seek medical attention immediately.

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Influenza

How can I protect myself from the coronavirus while traveling?

Coronaviruses can survive over metal, glass, and plastic for two hours to nine days so you have to be careful while traveling. But, the good news is the virus can easily be destroyed using a simple disinfectant.

You can stay healthy and prevent the spread of infections easily and stay safe on a plane:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer for at least 20 seconds. Use a generous amount of hand sanitizer.
  • After touching any surface like a tray table, touch screen, or door handle don’t touch your face with unwashed hands.
  • Wipeout or sanitize the surface near you and your seat.
  • Keep your hands away from your face because it can enter through mouth, eyes, or nose.
  • Avoid direct contact with the person if someone is showing the symptoms of coronavirus.
  • While coughing or sneezing use napkins and through them to the dustbin immediately.
  • Follow the proper food hygiene practices
  • Avoid contact with stray animals if you find any.
  • Use a mask if you have symptoms such as a cold. Face masks won’t affect unless you are infected, so just cover your face with a scarf.
  • The virus is easily spread through droplets in the air after a cough or sneeze from an infected person. If someone shows flu-or cold-like symptoms, stay about six feet away from them.
  • Book a window seat because these make you sit while having less contact with other people.

Further for more prevention you can choose the best routes and airlines to fly from Canada to India. Here we are mentioning the best routes to fly from Canada because you do not need to enter any area under high risk of corona virus.

Airline Depart From Arrive at Stops
Air Canada Vancouver Delhi Non Stop
Air India Toronto Delhi No Stop
United Airlines  Toronto Mumbai Newark
Qatar Montreal Ahmedabad Doha

Airports in Canada becoming Operational after Corona Virus: There are no risks to people who are traveling internationally and come in contact with somebody with no symptoms. Also, there are many safety measures taken by airports in the battle against the coronavirus .

Pearson International Airport

Toronto’s Pearson International airport has increased its efforts to combat the spread of coronavirus.

The close efforts of the airport authorities with the Public Health Agency of Canada and Canada Border Services Agency have been taken to ensure proper measures must be taken with all international passengers arriving at Canada’s largest airport.

Various actions and preventive measures such as cleaning the high traffic areas, good hygiene practice has been set up, and extra hand sanitizer stations in arrivals areas have been installed. 

Vancouver International Airport

Vancouver International Airport is also working with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and implemented some safety measures.

At the inspection kiosks, travelers have to pass through health assessment if they have visited Wuhan, China, in the last two weeks. A large number of hand sanitizer stations have been placed around the airport.

So, make sure you book a flight from the airport that is taking high precautions to keep passengers safe while traveling.


Use These Precautions to Avoid Catching Coronavirus