Important information to know before booking flights to India
Visa and Documentation
People need a valid visa to India before making their travel plans from the USA, as there are no visa waivers or visa-on-arrival options. India visa requirements vary based on the purpose of visit (leisure, business, medical, etc.) so find out which visa you need and get it before you start booking your flight tickets. Ensure to have all the essential documents such as a valid passport, the visa application form, passport photos, and any other requirements for your particular visa type. When your visa is ready, you can book your flights to India as per the travel and entry protocols.
Time Zone and Weather
India follows Indian Standard Time (IST), which is UTC+5:30. It has many types of climates depending on the zone and time of the year. India experiences three primary seasons: summer, monsoon, and winter. It’s essential to check the weather forecast for your particular destination and pack accordingly when booking tickets to India.
Currency and exchange rates
India uses the Indian Rupee (INR) as the official currency in the country. It is easy to exchange currency for INR at the airport banks, or even an authorized money changer. However, some places, especially restaurants, cafés, and shops of small size, and provinces do accept credit or debit cards, so it is recommended to still have some amount of money in cash. Make sure you are in a position to handle the economical aspect before planning to book flights to India.