Emirates Airlines Hires Boredom Specialist To Keep Kids Entertained

October 26, 2017

The Dubai based airline; Emirates is adding another unique service for their little passengers so that they don’t get bored while flying.

The carrier is hiring a psychologist and boredom specialist to regulate this service.

For this, the airline has team up with Dr. Sandi Mann (a psychologist and boredom specialist at the University of Central Lancashire) in order to find the solution regarding the problem of boredom of kids on planes.

After working with the airline, Dr. Mann has created the CBQ i.e. the Child Boredom Quotient which will help the parents to identify the exact moment their kids so they can enjoy stress-free travel.

As per the study of more than 2,000 UK parents, Dr. Sandi Mann has categorized activities into Active (A), Passive (P), Interactive (I), Creative (C) or Sensory (S) to formulate the CBQ.

According to the study, it was found that:

64% of the parents are worried about entertaining their children

43% of the parents express their concern about their children disturbing other passengers

Following stuff help in improving their sudden mood offs:

41% – By giving out their favorite snacks

33% – By employing electronic devices while flying

27% – By handing out new toys to keep the tots happy

16% – By trying to tire out their children by running around the airport before boarding

7% – By simply relaxing their little ones with an eye mask to block out the disturbance

Most Popular Options:

FILMS: Films are the most popular option for keeping children engaged for 40 minutes in case of youngest age group (0-2) and 1 hour 45 minutes for the oldest (11-12).

SMARTPHONE GAMES: Help in keeping kids occupied for 30 minutes in case of youngest travelers and for 1.5 hours in case of the older one.

DRAWINGS: Creative pursuits such as drawing are also popular until age 9. It also includes stuff like quizzes and puzzles. Coloring and sticker books are also a good option for the younger ages.

PUZZLE BOOKS: Older children can be given simple materials like notebooks and pens, puzzle books and comics.

With the help of Dr Sandi Mann, here is the guide for how to structure a plane journey for each age range.

The activities are categorized as Active, Passive, Interactive, Creative or Sensory. According to the study, boredom and restlessness can be managed while flying by mixing up and stopping an activity at the right time.

It involves the following stuff:

  • Passive – watching films, listening to music
  • Active – walking up and down the aisle, playing with a pack of cards
  • Creative – drawing, coloring books
  • Sensory – refreshments
  • Interactive – reading a storybook, chatting