Direct vs. Connecting Flights from USA to India: Which Option is Best for You? – FlyDealFare USA

Direct vs. Connecting Flights from USA to India: Which Option is Best for You?

To start a trip from the US to India, the first thing that comes to your mind is to decide between a direct and a connecting flight while planning your journey. The decision you make will mostly depend on your tastes, travel requirements, and your budget. Whatever flight you choose, each of them has an individual set of advantages and disadvantages. To help you with making the appropriate decision for the next trip to India, we’re going to discuss the positive and negative aspects of direct and connecting flights here.

You should first understand the differences between the flight types because it has a major difference in the duration of your whole trip, whether you are a regular traveler or planning your first visit to India from the US. Let us discuss the primary factors that should be taken into consideration while selecting between direct and connecting flights.

Direct vs. Connecting Flights from USA to India

Direct Flights: The pros


These direct flights are highly convenient because of the non-stop nature of the flights. You can board the flight, sit on the allotted seat, and remain in the same aircraft until you reach your destination without any stress. These types of flights are very convenient, particularly when you have lengthy flights, which generally have 14 to 18 hours of journey from the US to India.


The main advantage of selecting a direct flight is that it reduces time. If there are no stops or layovers during your travel, then you can save more time. For example, usually, a direct flight from New York takes up to 15 hours to reach Delhi but if you have a layover it means a connecting flight can take up to 20 hours approximately to reach your destination.

Less stress

Direct flights help to reduce stress and feel more relaxed for many travelers at the time of their journey. They do not have to worry about changing flights and managing their time in unknown airports because there can be chances of missing connecting flights. This reduced travel time and experience is particularly useful to senior passengers, families with young children, and anyone else who is looking for a simple, and comfortable trip.

Lower risk of lost luggage

As you are having a direct flight to your chosen destination, there are very few chances of your luggage getting lost during your journey. While having a connecting flight travel there are additional chances of your baggage being misplaced at whatever airport you have connectivity to the other flight. Therefore, choosing a direct flight is reliable as the luggage you carry will be on the same plane.

Direct Flights: The cons

Higher cost

The major drawback associated with direct flights is the tickets are highly priced than connecting flights. Many airlines know that their passengers will pay additional costs to have a more convenient experience, even though the prices are higher. If you have a planned budget, this can be a little important factor to keep in mind while booking your flight tickets.

Limited availability

Airlines that operate flights from US-India routes have limited direct flights. Only major cities such as New York, Chicago, and San Francisco provide direct flights to India but if you want to travel from a smaller city, then you should first travel to major airports to have a direct flight to India.

Limited flexibility

The other downside of direct flights is the lack of flexibility about departure time and airline choices. There are only a few flights between the US and India, therefore you can only fly during certain dates and times. In addition, only a few airlines operate direct flights on these routes, which limits the availability of flights to travel.

Connecting Flights: The pros


The biggest advantage of choosing a connecting flight is they are generally of low cost when compared to direct flights. Airlines usually provide these connecting flights at low cost since they are less convenient. If you want to make more savings without spending much on flight tickets then you can choose these flight types as you can get cheaper fares than a direct flight.

More airline options

You have more flexible options in terms of choosing airlines that provide connecting flights. You do not only have a few flights that operate between the US and India. This allows you to compare prices, services, and in-flight services among a variety of airlines, which gives you more options in your journey.

Stopover opportunities

The main advantage of traveling through a connecting flight is that you can have the chance of visiting another city during the duration of your layover. Many airlines provide you with long layovers or even stopover packages that allow you to spend either a day or two days in the cities like London, Doha, or Dubai before continuing your journey to India. For some travelers, this is the best option if they want to add one more country or destination to their bucket list if they are travel enthusiasts.

More departure options

If you are not traveling from a major city that provides direct flights to India, then this connecting flight type is the best choice for you as it gives more departure options for people traveling from smaller US cities. These connecting flights help you to fly from your local airport to major international airports like London, or Doha to reach India. This additional flexibility will help you to witness bigger international airports as well as make your travel experience smoother, particularly if you want to avoid long drives or more domestic flights to reach the nearby major international airport from your place.

Connecting Flights: The cons

Longer travel time

The major disadvantage of connecting flights is the longer travel time. Your total travel time can be of several hours along with the duration of your layover. For example, your total travel time from the US to India can easily be up to 20 hours if you have a 5-hour layover in London.

Risk of missed connections

The possibility of missing your connecting flight is one of the most stressful situations with connecting flights. If your first flight is delayed, you may not have enough time to board your second flight, particularly if it is through a large, busy airport. In the worst-case scenario, you may have to spend the night in the city of your layover due to these major delays.

Layover stress

A few people consider a layover as challenging, while others enjoy being able to lay their legs stretched. You may have to go through immigration along with going around a new airport and security if you are traveling to a different country. This may cause unnecessary stress throughout your trip, particularly if you have a short layover and need to reach a certain place.

Baggage mishaps

There are increased chances of baggage issues with connecting flights. If there is a stopover, there are additional chances that your luggage can be delayed or even lost sometimes. When most of the airlines take great care to ensure that your baggage is transferred between flights smoothly until you reach your destination. There are higher chances of something going wrong, if there are more connecting flights to your desired location.

Factors to consider when choosing between direct and connecting Flights

You should consider a few factors when you are deciding to book a direct or connecting flight for your US-to-India journey.

Budget: How much are you willing to spend? If you’re on a budget, a connecting flight may be the better option.

Time: If saving time is your top priority, a direct flight is the obvious choice. However, if you’re not in a rush, a connecting flight could be a more economical option.

Departure City: Do you live in a city that offers direct flights to India, or would you need to take an additional flight to reach a hub? If you’re already taking a domestic flight to reach an international hub, a connecting flight might not add much additional time to your journey.

Travel Preferences: Do you want to have a non-stop experience, or are you okay with a layover? Some travelers appreciate the chance to stretch their legs during a layover, while others want to get to their destination as fast as possible.

FlyDealFare: Your trusted partner for US-India flights

At FlyDealFare, We understand how difficult it can be to select the right flight for your journey to India. We are here to help you at this time by finding the best options that match your schedule and budget, whether you are interested in waiting to enjoy the comfort of taking a direct trip or want to save more money by booking a connecting flight. FlyDealFare is a trustworthy resource for anything travel-related, which provides great deals on flights between the United States and India.


Why choose FlyDealFare?

  • We provide discounted fares on both direct and connecting flights.
  • Our team provides customized services to help you find the best routes.
  • We ensure that you receive the best value for your money as we have a variety of particular promotions with major airlines.

Book your next flight from the US to India with FlyDealFare and enjoy a hassle-free, affordable, and comfortable travel experience.

Whether you choose a direct flight for the comfort it provides or a connecting flight for its affordable options, both flight types have their pros and cons. Your decision will finally depend on your travel priorities, budget, and flexibility. Whatever you choose, FlyDealFare is here to ensure that you get the best deals and service on your flight from the US to India.