Disrupted flights from Australia due to COVID-19

March 3, 2020

It is officially announced in Australia to avoid traveling China.

To restrict the spread of the novel coronavirus airlines have restricted to travel in countries near and far from China and other affected countries like South Korea, Italy, and Iran.

Whilst there are many other countries to travel overseas for holiday visit in this Easter but, travelers should expect “increased health screening” upon airport arrival.

Australians can go on holidays to India over Easter as there is very low risk of transmission of coronavirus. Also, there are very low coronavirus cases declared.

Leisure travel patterns have also been increasingly affected but you can reconsider short-term holiday plan to India.

The cancellations by major airlines including Qantas, Virgin, and Jetstar the flights across Asia are cutting due to less demand of travelers.

Also the travelers should consult the updated travel policies from the websites of their home country and the intended destination as well.

Be double careful to while traveling these days and follow the general tips and precautions like hand washing with soap and water, after touching surfaces or getting in contact with someone else, stay far away from person who is sneezing.

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Coronavirus breakout rise the changes in travel plans from Canada